Mission and brief history of the organization
- Promote and disseminate the art of ondes musicales (musical wave instruments).
- Promote research to improve the technology of musical waves.
- Promote and encourage the creation of musical works written for the instrument.
Founded in 1986, the Society for the development of musical waves was created to allow ondists (wavemakers) as well as those interested in musical waves have an association to enable them to know the musical waves and improve technology. The founders were Jean Laurendeau, Suzanne Binet-Audet and Estelle Lemire. The SDOM received a scholarship “Exploration” of the federal government in 1987 and a grant from the Quebec government in 2007 to update the park instruments in Quebec. In October 1998, the SDOM presented the first Montreal ondes Martenot Festival. This event was followed by a second festival in October 1999.
The Society is currently driving a project to acquire several ondes instrument for teaching purposes.
Each instrument costs around 20,000$.
If you wish to donate to support the mission for the development of musical waves, contact us through Geneviève Grenier who is a member of the Board and a receipt for tax purposes will be provided to you.